Participants 2017

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Participants Universitas Cantat 2017

State Academic Choir "Belaya vezha", Belarus
Conductor: Irina Angolyuk




State Academic Choir "Belaya vezha", Belarus


State Academic Choir "Belaya vezha" was founded at Brest State Technical University in 2012. Its members are students of Engineering, Construction and Economics specialties. The group’s aim is the study of choral culture, promotion and preservation of choral art best traditions.

The choir is notable for its highly vocal and theatrical culture, vibrant emotions, the variety of repertoire, based on the remakes of Belarusian folk songs, sacred music, works of classical composers and contemporary authors. 

Belaya Vezha has earned popularity among the audience and the choral society by participating repeatedly in cultural activities of the university, the city and the country and performing in competitions and festivals. It has been awarded diplomas for high performance skills and its significant contribution to the art of singing, creative development of national traditions and active participation in the festivals "With love to the song", "Easter meeting" and "Your moment of glory". It won prizes and Grand Prix diplomas at the international competition "European Cup", "Slavyanochka" and a Grand Prix diploma of the Ministry of Education "For the long-term activities, great contribution to civil, patriotic, artistic and -aesthetic education of the youth" at the national festival of students "ART holidays". For its achievements, popularization of national traditions and active concert activity the group was conferred the honorary title "national" by the Ministry of Culture of Belarus in 2016.



Irina Angolyuk graduated from Minsk Institute of Culture and is the director of the academic choir Belaya Vezha. She occupies the position of the head of student initiatives and cultural and leisure activities in Brest State Technical University. Under her leadership and on her initiative groups devoted to theatre, choreography, instrumental and vocal music have been created. She is also responsible for organizing a contest for first-year student talents "New Star BSTU", the festival of national cultures "We are together" and other activities and events of the university.

Energetic, open, with a pedagogical tact and an ability to foster relationships she creates an atmosphere of passion, creativity and commitment in the group. In 2012 Irina established the academic choir Belaya vezha and currently works there as its music director and conductor. She promotes choral music and Belarusian national culture at the university. Irina has many diplomas, which testify to her merits and gratitude she earns in the field of education and culture. In 2014 she was awarded the Grand Prix Diploma and the special prize of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus "For the great contribution to the preservation of Belarusian folk traditions and encouraging artistic creativity among students”.


Choir accompanist Svetlana Alexandrova graduated from the Maxim Gorky Minsk State Pedagogical Institute as a music teacher and accompanist. She participates in the creative life of the choir and together with its director makes a great contribution to the artistic and aesthetic education of students and the development of creative abilities of choir members.

 Brest State Technical University, Belarus




Festival Director: Prof. Krzysztof Szydzisz
tel.: +48 608 30 70 30
Festival Deputy Director: AMU prof. Dr hab. Joanna Piech–Sławecka
tel.: +48 604 525 554


Address of the Festival Office  adres
Collegium Martineum, Św. Marcin 78,
61-809 Poznań, Poland

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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