Participants 2017

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Adam Mickiewicz University Chamber Choir, Poznan, Poland
Conductor: Prof. Krzysztof Szydzisz, Dr Joanna Piech-Sławecka






State Academic Choir "Belaya vezha", Belarus
Conductor: Irina Angolyuk






"Dragan Shuplevski" mixed choir of Faculty of Music of the Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia
Conductor: Saszo Tatarczewski






Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Chamber Choir, Russia
Conductor: Aleksandra Luzanowa






Academic choir of Students' Cultural Center of University Nis, Serbia
Conductor: Zoran Stanisavljević






The Folk Melodies Chamber Orchestra of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey
Conductor: Zeki Nacakci






Adam Mickiewicz University Academic Choir in Poznań, Poland
Conductor: Beata Bielska






University of Southern Indiana Chamber Choir, USA
Conductor: Prof. Daniel R. Craig 






Choir of Eszterhazy Karoly University Eger, Hungary
Conductor: Dr Sándor Kabdebó





Warsaw University of Technology Academic Choir, Poland
Conductor: Dariusz Zimnicki, Ph.D.






The academic choir Coro Da Camera of the Poznań University of Life Sciences 
Conductor: Barbara Dąbrowska-Silska






Soloist Ensemble of the AMU Chamber Choir, Poland
Karolina Piesik, Kamila Tracewska, Anna Komendzińska, Brygida Sawicka-Stępińska,
Joanna Piech-Sławecka, Aleksandra Janus, Zuzanna Pawlak, Aleksandra Misiun 





Poznań University of Technology Choir “Volantes Soni", Poland  
Conductor: Paweł Łuczak, Ph.D.






Chamber Choir of the Faculty of Arts and Pedagogy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland 
Conductor: Dr Beata Szymańska






„Inclina aurem” Schola Cantorum of the Archbishopric Seminary in Poznań, Poland   
Conductor: Fr. Mariusz Białkowski, Ph.D.





The Eugeniusz Piasecki University School of Physical Education Choir “Polihymnia”, Poland
Conductor: Tomasz Dzięcioł, Ph.D.





SONANTES FEMALE CHOIR, Poznan University of Economics, Poland 
Conductor: Hanna Malicka






Chamber Choir of the Academy of Music in Poznań
Conductor: Prof. Marek Gandecki







Big Band of I. J. Paderewski Music Academy in Poznan, Poland
Conductor: Dr Patryk Piłasiewicz






Chamber Orchestra of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
Conductor: Dr Aleksander Gref




Festival Director: Prof. Krzysztof Szydzisz
tel.: +48 608 30 70 30
Festival Deputy Director: AMU prof. Dr hab. Joanna Piech–Sławecka
tel.: +48 604 525 554


Address of the Festival Office  adres
Collegium Martineum, Św. Marcin 78,
61-809 Poznań, Poland

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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