SONANTES FEMALE CHOIR, Poznan University of Economics, Poznań, Poland
Conductor: Hanna Malicka
SONANTES FEMALE CHOIR, Poznan University of Economics, Poznań, Poland
The SONANTES Female Choir was founded in 1971 by Prof. Krystyna Domańska-Maćkowiak, who directed the ensemble for over thirty years. Since 2004 the conductor and artistic director of the choir is Hanna Malicka.
Most of the choir's members are students and graduates of the University of Economics. The group takes part in the musical life of the region and its student community. They participate in festivals and choral competitions. Moreover, they give concerts at home and abroad.
The repertoire of the ensemble includes sacred and secular, entertainment and folk music of various epochs. Eminent Polish composers such as Andrzej Koszewski, Marek Jasiński, Jacek Sykulski Zbigniew Kozub, Janusz Stalmierski and Jacek Skowroński composed and arranged pieces for the choir.
The Sonantes Female Choir has won many prestigious awards at national and international festivals.
- Golden Lyre at the International Festival of Choral Song in Międzyzdroje, Poland (1982).
- Grand Prize at the International Festival of Music in Cantonigros, Spain (1984).
- Gold Diploma at the International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music in Prague, Czech Republic (2004).
- Gold Diploma at the National Passion Music Competition in Bydgoszcz, Poland (2007).
- Main Prize in the general category at the Festival of Choral Music “Mater Misericordiae” in Ząbki, Poland (2011)
- Silver Diploma at the National Passion Music Competition in Bydgoszcz, Poland (2013).
- Silver Diploma at the First International National Passion Music Competition in Szczecin (2014)
- Silver Diploma at the National Marian Song Contest in Chojnice and Special Prize for the best performance of Ave Maria (2014)
In May 2011 the choir released a recording of Stabat Mater by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi.
Hanna Malicka
Dyrygent Hanna Malicka - absolwentka Akademii Muzycznej w Poznaniu w klasie dyrygentury chóralnej Prof. Krystyny Domańskiej - Maćkowiak (1996r.) oraz w klasie dyrygentury symfonicznej i operowej Prof. Renarda Czajkowskiego (1998 r.) W latach 1998 - 2000 była dyrygentem w Teatrze Muzycznym w Poznaniu. Od 1998 r. jest wykładowcą na studiach niestacjonarnych w macierzystej uczelni.
Z chórem Sonantes związana jest od początku studiów (1991r.), najpierw jako asystentka dyrygenta, a od 2004 jako dyrygent i kierownik artystyczny zespołu.
Poznan University of Economics, Poland