Participants Universitas Cantat 2022-polska-ue

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Participants Universitas Cantat 2022

Sonates” Female Choir of the Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Conductor: Hanna Malicka

choir Sonantes UEP


Sonates” Female Choir of the Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland


The ‘’Sonantes” Female Choir of the Poznan University of Economics and Business was founded
in 1971 by Prof. Krystyna Domańska-Maćkowiak, who led the ensemble for over 30 years. Since 2004, the conductor and artistic director of the choir has been Hanna Malicka. The choir gathers in its ranks mainly female students and graduates of the University of Economics. It takes part in the musical life of students and the whole Wielkopolska region. It participates in reviews, festivals, competitions, gives concerts in Poland and abroad. The ensemble performs a diverse repertoire: medieval monody, folk songs, sacred and popular music as well as secular choral forms of different epochs. For ‘’Sonantes” choir works were written and arranged by outstanding composers, such as:Andrzej Koszewski, Marek Jasiński, Jacek Sykulski, Zbigniew Kozub, Janusz Stalmierski, Jacek Skowroński. In May 2011 the choir released a CD with "Stabat Mater" by G.B.Pergolesi.

The choir has released two albums: "Stabat Mater" by G.B. Pergolesi (2011) and "Hosanna" (2017)
including the pieces "Gloria" by A. Vivaldi and "Mass for soprano, female choir and chamber
ensemble" by E. Fabiańska-Jelińska.


Hanna Malicka 

Conductor Hanna Malicka - graduate of the Poznań Academy of Music in the choral conducting class of Prof. Krystyna Domańska-Maćkowiak (1996) and in the symphonic and opera conducting class of Prof. Renard Czajkowski (1998). In 1998-2000, she was the conductor of the Poznań Musical Theatre. Since 1998, she has been a part-time lecturer at her alma mater. She has been associated with the Sonantes Choir since the beginning of her studies (1991), first as an assistant conductor, and since 2004 as a conductor and artistic director of the ensemble.


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Poznań University of Economics and Business, Polska



Festival Director: Prof. Krzysztof Szydzisz
tel.: +48 608 30 70 30
Festival Deputy Director: AMU prof. Dr hab. Joanna Piech–Sławecka
tel.: +48 604 525 554


Address of the Festival Office  adres
Collegium Martineum, Św. Marcin 78,
61-809 Poznań, Poland

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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